3rd TwinEU General Assembly
Representatives of the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute attended the 3rd General Assembly of the TwinEU pr...
more ›Presentation of the Disposal of Highly R...
From 2 to 6 December 2024, we participated at the IAEA Conference: Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security Through Technic...
more ›EIMV takes part in the Energy Hackathon
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute attended the EESTEC Olympics – energy hackathon, intended for 1st a...
more ›The EIMV participates in a round table o...
The event was part of a broader effort to find solutions in the field of waste management, with a particular focus on th...
more ›Sustainable development as a starting po...
Dr Rudi Vončina, Head of the Environment Department, highlighted the key challenges of the green transition, including ...
more ›Training of electrical engineers: Meetin...
EIMV in cooperation with the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers held a training session for certified electrical engineers o...
more ›A new era of sustainability reporting: E...
Sustainable development is a key factor for the future of business and society as a whole. By committing to sustainable ...
more ›MARES Conference 2024
Our experts strive to share our extensive experience with colleagues in the region and beyond
more ›First national energy conference
researchers from the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute participated
more ›EIMV Highlights from the CIGRE Session P...
The CIGRE Session Paris 2024 conference once again offered an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge, ideas and net...
more ›EIMV visits Laboratoire National de Mét...
Dr Rudi Vončina and Dr Maguelonne Chambon, Director of Research and Development at the LNE's Directorate for Scientific...
more ›EIMV shares its knowledge at the 2024 In...
We presented five papers at the event, based on the latest research in the fields of diagnostics, smart grids and improv...
more ›Visit of children from the summer camp o...
Yesterday, at the Milan Vidmar Electrical Institute, we hosted more than 30 children from the summer camp organized by Z...
more ›EIMV participation in the DUSE developme...
The Milan Vidmar Electrical Institute participates in the research and innovation project Dynamic management of solar po...
more ›EIMV became part of the industrial plan ...
Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute is a post member of the European Industrial Alliance for Small Modular Nu...
more ›4th RadoNorm Annual Meeting
EIMV in cooperation with the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS, Germany)
more ›10th RICOMET Conference co-organised by ...
Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute co-organised the 10th RICOMET Conference, held in Ljubljana on 10-11 June...
more ›The Milan Vidmar Electrical Institute is...
The Elektra+ award for comprehensive and successful cooperation on behalf of EIMV it was taken over by dr. Stane Vižin...
more ›New cable connection between Croatian is...
Our team successfully carried out high-voltage tests and partial discharge measurements on a 110 kV submarine cable syst...
more ›Connecting knowledge
This week we participated in the Career Week event, which took place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Ljublja...
more ›16th PIES conference
Our colleagues are participants of the 16th PIES Conference, which takes place on April 18 and 19 in Portorož
more ›EIMV co-creates a safe and reliable oper...
This year, EIMV is also the coordinator of the authorized organizations for radiation and nuclear safety for the prepara...
more ›EIMV's Commitment to Environmentally Fri...
At EIMV, we have renovated the chemical storage and waste oil facility of the department for physico-chemical diagnostic...
more ›EIMV expert meeting with a lecture on ne...
On 18 March 2024, an expert meeting was held in Bled with a lecture on innovations in the field of liquid insulating mat...
more ›Occasional exhibition featuring Dr Milan...
On 19 and 21 January 2024, the Ljubljana Chess Club in cooperation with the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institu...
The symposium will take place this year from 6 to 8 November in Portorož, further details follow
more ›Smart Grid Forum IEC Week 2023
Prof. Dr. Nermin Suljanović held a lecture on developing CIM profiles that utilizes the must-have elements of the stand...
more ›4th SEERC International Conference in Is...
EIMV's presentation highlighted the contribution of the dynamic tariff methodology to the management of peak loads on th...
more ›Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Ins...
Aleksandar Momirovski lectured at the 15th Energy Innovation '23 conference
more ›Flexibility in Distribution Grids Worksh...
It was a pleasure for the EIMV to actively participate at the workshop
more ›Mag. Maja Končan Gradnik is the recipie...
IEC 1906 AWARD is prestigious international award in the field of TC10 - Liquid and Gaseous Dielectrics (Fluids for elec...
more ›11th Elektrofest raised energy literacy ...
At the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute we presented the High Voltage Laboratory and the System SCALAR
more ›The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research...
The award confirms that EIMV is an important partner in the development and co-creation of an advanced electricity syste...
more ›Analysis »Impact of RES on system servi...
Presentation analysis on 9th Slovenian Photovoltaic Conference SLO-PV 2023
more ›75 years of EIMV development and progres...
On 1 June 1948 the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute was formally founded
more ›EIMV holds a presentation at the 8th CG ...
We presented the results and conclusions of a study entitled "The possibility of installing HV switchgear (circuit break...
more ›Visit of business partners from Serbia
The guests were presented the scope of work and R&D projects of EIMV
more ›Research cooperation with the University...
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute is expanding its professional cooperation with scientific research in...
more ›EIMV’s presentation at the Energy Days
Mag. Igor Podbelšek presented his lecture »Integration of energy sectors and energy communities from the point of view...
more ›Facilitating renewable energy deployment...
The project was presented in partnership between EIMV's Environmental Department and EY Parthenon
more ›The renewal of the ALFA Section work, wi...
In April 2023 the EIMV hosted the meeting of the ALFA Section
more ›EIMV participated in the EPRI European W...
Prof. Dr. Nermin Suljanović presented the Slovenian demonstration in the scope of the Horizon project OneNet - One Netw...
more ›Reform of the methodology on the network...
Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute is conducting presentations of the new Legal Act on the methodology for d...
more ›EIMV tests 110 kV Gas Insulated Switchge...
Engineers from the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute carried out a very important major project in Bor, Ser...
more ›60 years of testing high voltage capacit...
We invite you to watch the inspiring sound masterpiece “Izumitelj” whish was created at our High Voltage Laboratory
more ›Digitalisation impact on the energy tran...
EIMV actively participated in the workshop »Digitalisation impact on the energy transition« organised by CIGRE-CIRED S...
more ›The 14th Höfler’s Days International ...
We would like to thank all the speakers and authors, to all sponsors who financially supported the event, and to all the...
more ›EIMV participates in the PIANOFORTE Prog...
European Partnership for Radiation Protection Research
more ›Tim Gradnik received the CIGRE internati...
The Distinguished Member of CIGRE 2022 award was presented to our researcher Tim Gradnik
more ›EIMV's experts on ICLP2022
Vladimir Djurica and Goran Milev on ICLP2022 - 36th International Conference on Lighting Protection
more ›Energy Innovation '22 Conference
Mag. Igor Podbelšek spoke about the necessary adjustments to the advanced measuring system of Slovenian electricity dis...
more ›EIMV acquired a new project in Austria
Our team has successfully carried out diagnostics on a 110 kV cable line in Austria
more ›EIMV at exhibition on CIRED Serbia, K...
The best opportunity to meet our experts in live still two days
more ›Project services abroad in the field of ...
Excerpt from an article published in Finance (July 2022)
more ›New image and logo EIMV
The scope of the present has been exceeded also with a new image of our Institute.
more ›International Conference on Dielectric L...
The conference was attended by Tim Gradnik and Tanja Lukan of the EIMV's Physical-Chemical Transformer Diagnostics Depar...
more ›Plenary session of IEC TC 10 and IEC TC ...
Carried out in hybrid form and co-organised by EIMV, the Physical-Chemical Transformer Diagnostics Department
more ›We have developed a reactive power compe...
Intended for electric power plants and the industry with the engineering support offers clients an optimised and calibra...
more ›18th InTsikt international symposium was...
Speakers from EIMV: Igor Podbelšek and Miha Grabner
more ›SEERC Colloquium 2022
Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar actively participated at the SEERC Colloquium from 30 May to 1 June 2022 in Vienna
more ›IEC TC 10 Electrotechnical fluids in IEC...
This year the event is organised under the auspices of EIMV, the IEC's member standard-setting organisation in the field...
more ›60th anniversary of the High Voltage Lab...
The High Voltage Laboratory started operating in 1962
more ›24th Energy Days
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute actively participated at the Energy Days that took place from 11 to 1...
more ›Luka Zidarič has received the Bedjanič...
One of EIMV’s youngest researchers, Luka Zidarič, Msc in Elec. Eng., has won the BEDJANIČ AWARD
We invite young professionals – engineers with degrees in energy sector, mechanical engineering, IT, economics, physic...
more ›CIGRE 2021 - electric power symposium
Through active cooperation of EIMV experts contribute to tackling challenges set by the energy transformation
The 15th CIGRE-CIRED Conference of Slovenian electric power sector that was held from 19 to 21 October 2021 i
more ›Consultation with the Slovenian Presiden...
Dr Boris Žitnik attended the consultation on Slovenia’s energy future focused on what kind of energy supply is most a...
more ›Value in Energy Data Seminar
Seminar on »Lessons learned from artificial intelligence projects«
more ›EIMV Director receives this year's CIGRE...
Dr. Boris Žitnik has been awarded for professional work and cooperation in the development of the electric power indust...
more ›NENE2021 - 30th international conference...
EIMV attended the conference by presenting the paper »The impact of JEK2 on the operation of the Slovenian electrical p...
more ›12th CIRED Serbia Electricity Distributi...
..where we present our products and services, highlighting the SCALAR System
more ›Physical-Chemical Transformer Diagnostic...
Excellent results of the EIMV at international laboratory comparative tests RRT for transformer diagnostics
more ›Memorial dedicated to our founder Milan ...
On this day 136 years ago, Milan Vidmar, the founder of the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute, was born...
more ›Highlights of our webinar
The »STEPS TOWARDS DATA INTEROPERABILITY IN SMART GRIDS« webinar emphasized the importance of information exchange bet...
more ›High voltage equipment testing in the fi...
EIMV experts successfully carried out high voltage testing at the newly built Serbian Thermal Power and Heating Plant in...
more ›Electric power in the future of Slovenia...
Mag. Leon Valenčič explained the forecasts for future electric power consumption
more ›Environmental compliance measurements at...
emissions, noise, droplet content, limestone analyses, travertine, wastewater, technological parametre measurement
more ›Common Information Model (CIM) in Smart ...
The role and importance of the CIM model in modern smart electric power grids, a lecture by Professor Suljanović
more ›The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research...
On 22 January 2021, Dr. Boris Žitnik, the director of the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute, and Mag. A...
more ›The External Certification Audit of ISO ...
Certification procedure has confirmed that we carry out our operations excellently and that our quality and environmenta...
more ›Project OneNet - One Network for Europe
The new triannual European H2020 OneNet project will search for solutions and bases for a coordinated cross-border opera...
more ›InTsikt 2020 Symposium
Prof. Dr. Nermin Suljanović collaborated as one of the organisers and Miha Grabner held a lecture entitled "Artificial...
more ›The new EURATOM research project focuses...
The five-year RadoNorm Project, which started in September 2020, will enhance the protection against radiation by
more ›Webinar - How to become a data-driven ut...
AI in electrical energy consists of usage in the scope of operation and planning and asset management.
more ›Prof. Dr. Maks Babuder receives the CIGR...
for many years of active cooperation and the leading role in the study boards of the CIGRE organisation
more ›Phase-shift transformation at the ADST t...
The project envisages the installation of two phase-shift transformers that will limit excessive energy flows through th...
more ›CIGRE 2020 e-session Paris
Institute experts also attended the conference and presented the paper entitled “Damage on the 110 kV cable during mea...
more ›Webinar Artificial Intelligence: How to ...
Join a free webinar Artificial Intelligence: How to become a data-driven utility? Event will take place on 24. 9. at 1 ...
more ›EIT Digital Summer School
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute cooperates in the two-week EIT Digital Summer School
more ›News in cable diagnostics
Resonant testing of HV cables at the voltage level with max. 400 kV rated voltage
more ›Stay safe and be faster than lightning
Monitor lightning intensity in the last 3-hour period and turn on the lightning alarm
more ›COVID-19 spread through Europe with ODIN...
At EIMV we have developed an interesting innovative 4D visualization tool with which we are showing the cumulative distr...
more ›Press release: The business name of the ...
Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar would like to announce that it does not commercially cooperate with the trader that market...
more ›Upgraded cable diagnostics
We have upgraded our scope of services in cable diagnostics with a new mobile measurement system that enables testing an...
more ›Meeting of the TDX-ASSIST project consor...
EIMV and ELES hosted a regular meeting of the TDX-ASSIST consortium in Ljubljana between 10 and 11 February
more ›Quality management system assessment and...
in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards
more ›The FutureFlow international project at ...
The project is a result of 4-year collaboration between the EIMV and 11 other European partners
more ›The development and use of SCADA systems
On The NextGen SCADA 2020 Conference our researcher Leon Maruša presented the development of WAMPAC programme platform
more ›EIMV takes part in e-mobility
Along ordinary e-charging of vehicles, we will also test vehicle charging concepts and the use of electricity in traffic...
more ›Recipient of the Faculty Prešeren Award
Aleksandar Momirovski, one of our youngest researchers, received the Faculty Prešeren Award on 19 December for the best...
more ›FutureFlow Expert Consultation
The consultation was dedicated to presenting the results of the developmental project and acquired experience, especiall...
more ›The Cable Testing Procedures
Simon Podkoritnik commented the cable testing system in the Naš Stik journal.
more ›The EIMV hosted the SITEX.Network associ...
Radioactive Waste Management - Participants from 10 countries tried to find answers to challenges met in all countries, ...
more ›Transformer and Cable System Measurement...
The EIMV team carried out the first diagnostic measurements of the transformer and also successfully tested the 110 kV c...
more ›Artificial Intelligence: Are we ready fo...
The workshop entitled “Artificial Intelligence: Are we ready for challenges in the electric power industry?” was hel...
more ›The Workshop on Radioactive Waste Manage...
will take place in at the premises of EIMV in Ljubljana on 20 and 21 November
more ›The symposium on electric power systems
Mag. Andrej Souvent was invited by the organiser, the Turkish Chamber of Engineering, to give a lecutre on "Better utili...
more ›Electric engineers for smart grids – t...
is the title of the workshop, attended by our electric engineers, Aleksandar Momirovski, Leon Maruša and Klemen Jevnika...
more ›Why cable testing?
High-voltage testing of the main insulation of 110 kV cable network Cirkovce - Formin SM4A-RTP Cirkovce
more ›Visit of the PhD candidate from the La S...
He met with institute experts in the field of power transformers diagnostics, high voltage cables and generators.
more ›European Energy Market - EEM19
The partners of the FutureFlow project, which will be concluded at the end of the year after four years of intensive wor...
more ›110 kV Cable System Measurement with Res...
All tests were implemented successfully: voltage test, partial discharge test, PD, tanD, earthing test, phase line and l...
more ›The Smart Grid Big Data Conference
Leveraging Data Analytics and Machine Learning for demand response
more ›Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE), 20...
The 28th international conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE) held place in the beginning of September in Porto...
more ›Students learning about innovation in th...
For the eighth time, the EIMV, ELES, GEN energija and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering organised Elektrofest int...
more ›ELEKTROFEST, 2019
8th ELEKTROFEST will take place soon, discussing innovation in the energy sector.
more ›How will new technologies enable greater... the topic of the round table, attended by our researcher Miha Grabner within the Asian Utility Week Conference
more ›European Joint Programme on Radioactive ...
The new EURAD European research programme, dedicated to radioactive waste management was commenced in June 2019 within t...
more ›Medium- and high-voltage cable testing
A team of EIMV experts successfully implemented high-voltage testing of the main insulation of 110 kV cable network Zla...
more ›ISH 2019 - International Symposium on Hi...
ISH 2019 - International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering was held in Budapest from 26 to 30 August 2019.
more ›Prvi na obisku (Radio show)
The Prvi RTV SLO radio channel hosted a show featuring the problems related to lightning strikes, the research work of t...
more ›The first holiday camp at EIMV
The EIMV held the first holiday camp in July, organised in collaboration with Zavod 404.
more ›Medium and high voltage cable testing wi...
The EIMV has concluded the testing and installation of the measurement system that enables testing and measurements on m...
more ›IEEE PES GM, 2019
Dr. Miloš Maksić and Mag. Dejan Matvoz attended the IEEE Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES GM 2019) in Atlanta, Georg...
more ›Keep safe during a storm
Our researcher Goran Milev warns: ⚠️ It is best to stay at least 50 metres from high objects such as trees.
more ›Slovenia, a land of lightning strikes
There have been many thunders and lightning strikes in Slovenia in the past few months. Our SCALAR system team which is ...
more ›Conference on Liquid Dielectrics – ICD...
The International Conference on Liquid Dielectrics took place from 23 to 27 June 2019 at the La Sapienza University in R...
more ›The HV test of 110 kV cable successfully...
The EIMV has successfully introduced the system for testing medium to high voltage cables. The first test with the new m...
more ›Prepared and safe from lightning strikes
The current atmospheric discharges can now be followed via 24-hour animation on
more ›Where in Slovenia does lightning strike ...
Since Slovenia is located in the area where the impacts from the Adriatic Sea, the Alps and the continental climate accu...
more ›Can we predict where lightning will stri...
In the interview for Telekom Slovenije, Goran Milev, the head of the SCALAR System project, commented that there are som...
more ›EIMV and ZAVOD 404 join in partnership
The institute is a great place for the young to gain knowledge
more ›Succesfully conducted technical assessme...
The international TDX-ASSIST projects, financed under the Horizon 2020 European programme, has been subject to a success...
more ›Data analytics and machine learning for ...
Our researcher Miha Grabner was invited to collaborate at the Asset Optimisation and Data Analytics for Power Network Sy...
more ›CIM User Group Spring Meeting 2019
This year's CIM User Group Spring Meeting is hosted by EDF (Electricite de France) at its campus in Saclay (Paris).
more ›Career opportunities in ICT
The 15th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies INTSIKT, which has been co-organised and ...
more ›25th CIRED 2019
CIRED, the 25th biennial international congress on electric distribution networks is currently in progress in Madrid.
more ›"Znanstival" (Scifestival) and Danilo Lo...
We were visited by the Danilo Lokar Elementary School students from Ajdovščina today.
more ›100th Anniversary of Electrical Engineer...
The foundation of the Slovenian University was made on 19 May 1919 by the internationally renowned electrical engineerin...
more ›14th CIGRÉ-CIRED Conference of Slovenia...
The Slovenian CIGRE CIRED Association of Electric Power Engineers held the 14th conference last week (22 to 24 May) in L...
more ›Prof. Dr. Maks Babuder Receives Lifetime...
The Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Prof. Dr. Maks Babuder within the scope of the 14th Electric Power Industry ...
more ›En.grids 019: Smart grids – challenges...
The En.grids 019 conference, organised by Energetika.NET in collaboration with the Smart Grids Technological Platform...
more ›Presentation of work in the assessment o...
Our researchers, Miha Markelj and Petra Dolšak, joined international experts and presented their work in the assessment...
more ›International Conference
The 28th international conference entitled "Municipal Energy Sector" held place in Maribor from 14 to 16 May.
more ›Presentation of outputs of the NEDO Slov...
Miha Grabner, researcher at the EIMV, and Dr. Uroš Kerin (ELES) were invited to present the outputs of the outputs of N...
more ›Data analysis with machine-assisted lear...
Miha Grabner gave an exclusive interview for the American Energy Central website
more ›EU FutureFlow Project
The consortium of the FutureFlow Project partners passed its second periodical review on 11 April 2019
more ›SITEX Network Activities in 2019
SITEX, a Community framework for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste, which also ...
more ›IEEE GTD Asia 2019 Conference
The IEEE-PES GTD Grand International Conference & Exposition Asia 2019 (IEEE-PES GTD Asia 2019) took place from 19 to 23...
more ›Operational Statistics Analysis Necessar...
By author Miha Bečan, a researcher at the EIMV High Voltage Plants Department
more ›The business name of the professional in...
Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar would like to announce that it does not commercially cooperate with the trader that market...
more ›The external assessment of the ISO stand...
An external assessment of the standards was implemented in January.
more ›Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 201...
May your steps be brave and the energy of happiness follow you through the mosaic of time in the coming year.
more ›EIMV Decisively Towards Sustainable Deve...
The interview with Dr. Boris Žitnik, the Director of EIMV
more ›Working Meeting about the Challenges of ...
On Thursday, 6 December 2018, a working meeting was held about the challenges of nuclear and radiation safety with the m...
more ›70 Successful Years of EIMV
The year 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the operation of Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute.
more ›4th Conference on Maintenance
The 4th Conference on Maintenance organised annually by the Slovenian CIGRE CIRED Association, took place on 15 November...
more ›The Conference MEDPOWER 2018
At the MEDPOWER 2018 (Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion) th...
more ›Promotion Video of the European FutureFl...
The European FutureFlow project was presented for the first time in a promotion video.
more ›Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europ...
The Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, each year organised by the IEEE PES association, held place in Sarajevo
more ›IAEA – International Atomic Energy Age...
Every four years, the International Atomic Energy Agency organises an international conference, dedicated to TSOs wit...
more ›Höfler's Days 2018
The 13th international symposium Hofler's Days that was held from 22 to 23 October 2018 in Portorož, at
more ›Investments in development and human res...
"We dedicate special attention to employing new associates at the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute. The el...
more ›12th Workshop on power line communicatio...
Electric Power Research Institute Milan Vidmar (EIMV) and Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FE) Ljubljana organized 12T...
more ›Personal vehicles traffic electrificatio...
The September issue of Življenje in tehnika (ŽIT) journal included the first part of the article entitled "Personal ve...
more ›Expert excursion ŠKUD in Montenegro
This is the title of the publication of the Montenegran transmission operator.
more ›Collaboration with the INEEL Mexican nat...
Upon the invitation of the Mexican national institute INEEL (Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías Limpias), Ma...
more ›Commemorating the 100th anniversary of t...
The ceremony commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Dr. Marjan Plaper, the leading designer of the in...
more ›Elektrofest 2018
The promotion of energy literacy at the "radiation" station of the EIMV was presented at Elektrofest by mag. Breda Cestn...
more ›The promotion of energy literacy among s...
For the seventh year in a row, we will prepare four "electric power" stations under the RADIATION topic to present it to...
more ›EIMV excitation system
The most powerful excitation system, produced at the EIMV so far, has started operating.
more ›International Conference on Lightning Pr...
The 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection is taking place this week, i.e. from 3 to 7 September, in Rzes...
more ›Power Engineering Society General Meetin...
Between the 5th and 9th of August 2018, Miloš Maksić and Dejan Matvoz attended the Power Engineering Society General M...
more ›Is Slovenia able to achieve its goals in...
For the purposes of becoming a low-carbon society, Slovenia has set an ambitious goal to reach 200,000 e-vehicles (EV) b...
more ›Protection against lightning
Appearance of lightnings in Slovenia is the largest in European scale, so we need to know how to protect us and our prop...
more ›EU project ENGAGE
The first results of analyses prepared under the ENGAGE project (ENhancinG stAkeholder participation in the Governanc...
more ›The BioEM2018 international conference
The BioEM2018 international conference took place in Portorož from 25 to 29 June 2018
more ›22 June - The anniversary of Milan Vidma...
Academician Prof. Dr. Milan Vidmar, was born 133 years ago, i.e. in in 1885 in Ljubljana.
more ›The 2nd SEERC Conference
The 2nd SEERC Conference Kyiv 2018 held place from 11 to 13 June in Kyiv, Ukraine.
more ›Storms in Slovenia
Mag. Vladimir Djurica commented for RTV Slovenia: "The average storm in Slovenia encompasses three or four thousand stri...
more ›CIM Users Group Meeting 2018
The international CIM Users Group Meeting 2018 was held from 5 to 7 June 2018 at Cankar Hall in Ljubljana.
more ›EIMV celebrates its 70th anniversary
The foundations and the vision of development of the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute were designed by its...
more ›Znanstival (Scifestival) and Danilo Loka...
On 1 June 2018, the EIMV was visited by the students of Danilo Lokar Elementary School from Ajdovščina.
more ›Seminar on the security and flexibility ...
On Monday, 28 May, the conference entitled SEMINARIO Sicurezza e Resilienza delle Reti (Seminar on the security and flex...
more ›25th anniversary of the CIGRE CIRED
The Slovenian CIGRE CIRED Association of Electric Power Engineers celebrated its 25th anniversary past weekend at Brdo p...
more ›Conclusion of the conference Private LTE...
At the Private LTE Networks for Smart Grids expert conference, we presented the problems of connecting smart energy grid...
more ›OTT in Energy Sector and How to Services...
At this year 23rd NT conference organised by Microsoft on 23 May a round table OTT in Energy Sector and How to Services ...
more ›The 14th International Symposium on Info...
On 21 and 22 May, the 14th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies INTSIKT was held in Tul...
more ›En.grids 2018 - 9. may 2018
The director of EIMV and the president of the Technological Smart Grids Platform, Dr. Boris Žitnik, gave an opening spe...
more ›27th International Conference
Rok Leskovec presented his paper on the regulation of voltages in parallel operation of multiple aggregates in a small h...
more ›Private LTE Networks for Smart Grid
EIMG organises the conference entitled »Private LTE Networks for Smart Grids" on 23 May 2018 at the Four Points by Sher...
more ›The 4th conference on electric power dis...
The 4th conference on electric power distribution in Slovenia entitled "Electrification for the Year 2050" was held on 5...
more ›Regular overhaul at the Krško Nuclear P...
Regular overhaul at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK) began on 1 April 2018 and will end in about one month.
more ›The visit of young researchers from Spod...
Two young researchers from Spodnja Šiška Elementary School, Matic and Urban (8th grade) visited us today with their
more ›Extreme weather conditions
What is happening due to global warming? Even storms, the power of nature, followed by frequent lightnings.
more ›The business name of the professional in...
The opinion of the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia about the disputable device and its advertising
more ›The consultary meeting - IAEA
Upon the invitation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) we attended
more ›The introduction of the UHF PD partial d...
The extended use of gas insulated switching installations (GIS) sets new demands for maintenance technicians.
more ›The appointment of the EIMV Director
At its regular meeting 14. 2. 2018, the EIMV Council unanimously appointed Dr. Boris Žitnik as the EIMV Director.
more ›TDX ASSIST EU Project Working Meeting
On 11 and 12 February, the working meeting of experts and researchers, working on the TDX ASSIST Project (Horizon 2020)
more ›The external assessment of the ISO 9001:...
An external assessment of both standards was implemented in January.
more ›New standards in cable equipment quality...
New standards in cable equipment quality verification
more ›Public notice
Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar would like to announce that it does not commercially cooperate with the trader that market...
On 18th and 19th of October the SEERC Management Board meeting took place at Istanbul, Turkey, hosted by the Turkish CIG...
more ›European Lightning Detection Workshop (E...
The European Lightning Detection Workshop (ELDW) held place from 17 to 20 October in Belgrade with the support of the Mi...
On 13 October 2017, a conference was organised at the La Sapienza University in Rome, and focused on the following topic...
more ›Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Ins...
From 7 to 8 October 2017, the Faculty of Computer and Information Science will host a two-day competition of creative in...
more ›CIGRE SC C4 International Colloquium on ...
On 18 and 19 September 2017, the CIGRE SC C4 International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems was held at the pre...
more ›The sixth energy literacy promotion fest...
Ljubljana, 15 September 2017 - For the sixth year in a row, ELES, Gen energija, Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Ins...
more ›A lightning conductor is the most effect...
Heavy downpours, gusts of wind, lightnings and thundering frequently accompany summer storms, which will, due to climate...
more ›20th International Symposium on High Vol...
From 28 August to 1 September 2017 the 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2017) took place in...
more ›Visit from Estonia
EIMV was visited by the representatives of the Estonian transmission network operator Elering and the Tallinn University...
more ›IEEE PES GM 2017, Chicago
This years general meeting of IEEE PES GM was held in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The meeting was attended by Dr. Miloš Mak...
more ›Join the international hackathon HackEle...
Together with Smart Com d. o. o. the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute organises an expert and research int...
more ›Approval of a new research project
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute in collaboration with a consortium of partners was approved to implem...
more ›13th CIGRE-CIRED Conference
The 13th CIGRE-CIRED Conference was held from 22 to 24 May in Maribor. The event is an exceptional opportunity to exchan...
more ›A new mobile laboratory set up in Januar...
A new mobile laboratory was set up in January at the High Voltage Department. It performs all standards measurements in ...
more ›3rd Slovenian Conference on the Maintena...
The third conference on maintaining electric power facilities was held in Nova Gorica and was attended by 150 experts. F...
more ›A new method at the High Voltage Departm...
This year a new, very demanding testing method for the control of mineral transformer oils was introduced at the High Vo...
more ›10th Jubilee Conference on Electricity D...
The 10th Jubilee Conference on Electricity Distribution CIRED Serbia is currently taking place in Vrnjačka Banja with r...
more ›CIGRE, Paris
The CIGRE Session, which is traditionally organised every two years, was held from 21 to 26 August 2016 in Paris. It was...
more ›20th Memorial dedicated to Prof Dr Milan...
From 24 June and 4 July 2016, Slovenian Chess Association organises the traditional international chess tournament – t...
more ›3rd Electric Energy Basketball Tournamen...
The ŠKUD Elektroinštitut association this year once again successfully organised the basketball tournament that has be...
On 7 and 8 June 2016 the first regional SEERC Power Conference merging the economic, academic and industrial sections of...
more ›Kotnik Days 2016
The 37th Kotnik Days were held in Radenci on 24 and 25 March 2016. The event was dedicated to power electric technology ...
more ›Rehabilitated impulse voltage generator
The High Voltage Laboratory successfully implemented the rehabilitation and testing of the impulse voltage generator. It...
more ›We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happ...
We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy new Year 2015
more ›12th Höfler's Days – more than 150 pa...
On 12 and 13 November 2015, we organised the 12th Höfler's Days International Symposium. 21 expert papers that based on...
more ›HÖFLER'S DAYS 2015
On November 12 and 13, 2015, the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute organises the 12th “Höfler Days” Sy...
more ›TC37 IEC technical committee meetings
At the High Voltage Faculty of the Darmstadt University of Technology, experts (19) in surge arresters met at two TC37 I...
more ›INMR World Congress 2015
Celebrating the 20th anniversary, the 12th INMR World Congress took place in Munich from 19 to 21 October. More than ...
more ›Celebrating the birth anniversaries of a...
On 22 September 2015, the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts organised a celebration in the memory of academic broth...
more ›ELEKTROFEST 2015
Once again, this year four distinguished institutions in electricity transmission, i.e. the Milan Vidmar Electric Power ...
more ›19th International Symposium on High Vol...
The 19the International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering was held in Pilsen, Czech Republic, from 26 to 31 August 2...
more ›23rd International Conference on Nuclear...
The 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE23) took place in May in Japan, Tokyo, at the Makuhari Me...
Within the scope of the 12th CIGRÉ-CIRED Conference of Slovenian electric power sector, on Tuesday, 26 May 2015, awards...
At the opening of the 12th CIGRÉ Conference of the Slovenian electric energy sector held in Portorož on 25 May 2015, o...
The three-day meeting of Slovenian electric energy providers will be held at the BERNARDIN Congress Centre in Portorož ...
more ›32nd CIGRE Serbia Conference
At the 32nd CIGRE Serbia conference that was held from 17 to 21 May 2015 in Zlatibor, our co-workers Goran Milev and Vla...
The 4th International MNE KO CIGRE 2015 Conference was organised in Montenegro from 11 to 14 May. Among 106 published pa...
more ›En.grids 2015
The 6th Smart Grids Conference was held on 10 February at the Plaza Hotel in Ljubljana. It was also attended by two of o...
more ›7th Consult on IT in the Energy Sector ...
On 17 and 18 November 2014, the 7th Consult on IT in the Energy Sector (PIES) took place in Portorož. The representativ...
more ›60th Anniversary of the Slovenian Meteor...
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute attended the event celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Slovenian ...
more ›ICLP 2014 - International Conference on ...
From 11 to 17 October 2014, the 32nd ICLP conference was held in Shanghai, China, where the participants discussed the o...
For the needs of restoring and upgrading the Belica small hydropower plant, owned by Elektro Ljubljana OVE, EIMV has pro...
more ›CIRED, Srbija
The associates of the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute attended the 9th Conference on electric power distr...
more ›ELEKTROFEST Attracted 800 Students to Lj...
On Friday, 19 September 2014, the third Elektrofest took place. This time, Eles, Milan Vidmar Electric Power REsearch In...
more ›Visit by the Kazakhstan Delegation
On Tuesday, 16 September 2014, we were visited by a delegation of professors of higher education electrical engineering ...
more ›Energy Literacy at Eletrofest
The established electric power sector institutions – ELES, Milan Vidmar Electric Power REsearch Institute, Faculty of ...
more ›Associates of the EIMV in the Media (21 ...
The storm on the night of 21 August 2014 was quite heavy, also for the associates of the EIMV. Mr Rado Isakovič and Vla...
more ›IEEE PES General Meeting
In National Harbour, MD, USA, the traditional IEEE PES General Meeting took place from 27 to 31 July. It was also partic...
more ›ICDL 2014, Bled
The 4-day 18th international Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL 2014) finished on 3 July 2014 in Bled. It was organi...
more ›1st Electric Energy Basketball Tournamen...
NEWS ARCHIVE« BACK TO FRONT PAGE 12th Höfler's Days – more than 150 participants, 21 expert presentations and a...
more ›PAC World 2014 predstavitev prispevka na...
The PAC World 2014 conference took place in Zagreb from 23 to 26 June 2014 ( and was atte...
more ›CIM User Group Meeting 2014
The CIM User Group Meeting 2014 with the title »EU Network Codes: Meeting the Transmission and Distribution Challenge U...
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute was visited by the elementary school pupils from Braslovče on 21 May...
more ›18th IEEE International Conference on Di...
EIMV is proud to organise the 18th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids ICDL 2014 sponsored by IEEE DEIS,...
more ›Round Table: Smart Grids from the Aspect...
On Wednesday, 21 May, we organised a round table within the scope of the Energetics Fair exhibition, which discussed the...
more ›Expert Meeting: Municipal Energetics
The 23rd international consult Municipal Energetics was organised from 13 to 15 May at the Faculty of Electrical Enginee...
more ›Thirtieth Workshop on Telecommunications...
On 12 and 13 May 2014, the 30th workshop on telecommunications with the working title Networks of the Future was organis...
more ›Developmental Tests on OH Power Lines Co...
Tests of new OH wires produced by LUMPI – Berndorf Draht und Seilwerk have been implemented since the second half of J...
more ›Signing the letter of intent of the indu...
In November 2012, the Japanese agencies NEDO and TIA (which is now a part of SPIRIT agency) on the initiative of the Cha...
more ›CIGRE D1.52 International Working Group ...
The third meeting of the CIGRE D1.52 working group entitled Moisture Measurement in Insulating Fluids and Transformer In...
The Council of the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute at its 10th regular meeting, held on Friday, 14 Februa...
more ›En.grids 2014, Ljubljana
On 4 February 2014, the 5th En.grids 2014 conference on smart grids technological platform was organised (it was first o...
more ›European Commission Adopted the Transiti...
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute, Environmental Department prepared the transitional national plans fo...
more ›HV Cable Testing
On 19 November 2013 the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute performed the first test of a 110 kV cable with 1...
more ›Successfully concluded 11th Höfler's Da...
Successfully concluded 11th Höfler's Days More than 140 experts in the field of electric power industry and high voltag...
more ›EMF ELF 2013 International Colloquium in...
The CIGRE 3rd International Colloquium on Electric and magnetic Fields at Extremely Low Frequencies (EMF-ELF-2013) was o...
more ›2013 Höfler's Days – TECHNOLOGICAL IS...
On 7 and 8 November 2013, the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute is organising the 11th international sympos...
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Institute is coordinating the participation of Slovenian experts and representatives of ...
more ›CIM User Group Spring Meeting 2013 in Lj...
International conference CIM User Group Spring Meeting 2013 The Common Information Model (CIM) in Transmission and Distr...
more ›11th Slovenian CIGRE and CIRED Conferenc...
From 27 to 29 May 2013, the 11th Slovenian CIGRE and CIRED Conference took place in Laško. At this year's conference ou...
more ›SCALAR – 15 years at your service
In the spring of 1997, the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Institute in cooperation with Elektro Slovenia setup the first Sl...
more ›Traditional electrical engineering sympo...
The traditional electrical engineering symposium took place from 5 to 8 May 2013, where Prof. Dr. Maks Babuder presented...
more ›New method for testing and locating dama...
At the High Department for High Voltage and Power Plants (OVNEL), the personnel introduced a new method for testing and ...
more ›New Accreditation Certificate
In October 2012 EIMV Physical – Chemical Transformer Diagnostics Department received the initial inspection visit for ...
more ›EIMV presents its operations in Japan
In the period from 5 to 8 March 2013, the Director, Dr Boris Žitnik, and Mr Gregor Omahen together with a 33-member del...
more ›CIGRE A2.38 International Working Group ...
At the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute the CIGRE A2.39 International Working Group meeting – Transforme...
more ›DistribuTECH 2013, San Diego
This year, we also attended one of the largest conferences in the field of electric power distribution in the USA, namel...
more ›The sponsors of a successful internation...
A team of students of the University of Ljubljana once again achieved exceptional success at the international competiti...
more ›PIES 2012, Portorož
The 5th Consult on IT in the energy sector in Slovenia – PIES and also the second Business PIES were organised in Port...
When Prof. Dr. Milan Vidmar founded the Electricity Supply Economy Institute in 1948, he especially emphasised the impor...
more ›50th Anniversary of the Death of Prof. D...
On 9 October, exactly 50 years ago, Slovenian scientist, publicist and chess player, academic Prof. Dr. Milan Vidmar, th...
more ›Consult on electric power distribution n...
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute presented its work at the Consult on electric power distribution netw...
more ›Long Lasting Relation between Sound Phys...
In cooperation with the Slovenia IEEE section (SP-CAS committee), a lecture by Dr. Franc Policardi was organised on 6 Se...
more ›Invitation to a lecture
The EIMV in cooperation with the IEEE Slovenian section (SP-CAS Board) invites you to a lecture that will be held on Thu...
more ›IEEE PES GM 2012, San Diego
The IEEE - IEEE PES GM 2012 annual meeting was held from 22 to 26 July 2012 in San Diego, California. This meeting prese...
more ›EURONOISE Conference in Prague
The 9th European Conference on Noise Management EURONOISE 2012 took place from 10 to 13 June 2012 in Prague. The Milan V...
more ›Successful Vidmar's Day 2012
On 21 June 2012 we organized the Vidmar's Day 2012 symposium titled Present Views on the Sustainable Development of the ...
more ›CIRED Workshop in Portugal
CIRED workshop "Integration of Renewables into the Distribution Grid" was organised from 29 to 30 May 2012 in Lisbon (Po...
more ›INTSIKT 2012 Symposium in Tuzla
From 4 to 5 June 2012 the VIII IEEE Symposium on information communication technologies INTSIKT 2012 "Communications for...
more ›CIGRE Colloquium in Dubrovnik
The international CIGRE Colloquium titled “Transformer Research and Asset Management” took place in Dubrovnik from 1...
more ›Vlado Djurica Hosted by Sora Radio Stati...
The Sora Radio in Slovenia hosted our researcher, Mr Vlado Djurica, who was interviewed mostly in connection with lightn...
more ›CIGRE Seminar “Overhead Cables”
Within the CIGRE B2 study committee that deals with the issues related to overhead cables and in the scope of the hosted...
more ›CIM Users Group Meeting (Windsor/UK)
This spring, the annual CIM Users Group conference took place in Windsor. The conference was titled "CIM Implementation ...
more ›CIGRE Colloquium in Sarajevo
From 13 to 16 May 2012, the international CIGRE Colloquium “Power Quality and Lightning” was organised in Sarajevo (...
more ›23rd International Electrical Engineerin...
On Monday, 7 May 2012, Prof Dr Maks Babuder, EIMV’s assistant director, participated at the 23rd International Electri...
more ›Press Conference: Smart Grids Developmen...
On Tuesday, 8 May 2012, Dr Ivan Šmon, Prof Igor Papič and Mr Gregor Omahen presented the Smart Grids Development Progr...
more ›JOBFAIR 2012, Ljubljana
The Electrical Engineering Students European Association once again organised the annual JOBFAIR 2012. The fair is inten...
Within the scope of the documentary titled “Drive cheaper by car” Prof. Maks Babuder, PhD, spoke on the significance...
On 27 and 28 February 2012, the High Voltage Department was being validated for the ISO 17025 system, the process includ...
The biannual conference IEEE ELECTRICAL POWER QUALITY AND UTILIZATION (IEEE EPQU 2011) was organised in the period from ...
more ›DEMSEE 2011, Bled
On 20 and 21 September 2011, the 6th International Workshop on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South-Eastern Eu...
more ›Cigré 2011 Bologna Symposium - The Elec...
The CIGRE 2011 Symposium titled The Electric Power System of the Future – Integrating supergrids and microgrids took p...
more ›2010 Höfler’s Days
The traditional international three-enal Höfler’s Days - the tenth in their turn - were this time organised between N...
more ›17th ISH 2011 Symposium – Hannover
At the end of this month, namely from 22 to 26 August, the 17th ISH Symposium 2011 took place in Hannover, Germany. This...
more ›17th International Conference on Dielect...
The 17th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL) took place in Trondheim, Norway, from 26 to 30 June 2011,...
more ›Naš stik Web Portal
At the end of May, we activated the Naš stik web portal, where we will publish news from the Milan Vidmar Electric Powe...
On 22 June 2011 the Slovenian national television broadcasted the “Omizje” TV show with the debate on the new Nation...
The 10th Conference of the Slovenian Committee of Electric Power Engineers CIGRE – CIRED, top professional association...
more ›EMF-ELF-2011, Paris
The 2nd International Conference on Electric and Magnetic Fields at Extremely Low Frequencies was organised on 23 and 25...
more ›External Auditing of the Institute’s Q...
On October 26,2010 a re-auditing - the second in its turn - took place at the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Insti...
more ›PIES 2010, Slovenia
Between November 24 – 26, 2010, a Congress was held at Fiesa, Slovenia, organised by the Slovenian IT Professionals ac...
more ›Mag. Maja Končan-Gradnik – recipient ...
In the period from June 8 -11, 2010, the Slovenian National CIGRÉ Committee organised at Bled, Slovenia, a Working Meet...
The International Conference on Harmonisation of Atmospheric Dispersion Models Used for Legislative Purposes, which was ...
more ›2010 VIDMAR’S DAY
From 1982 onwards, the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute has been organising - every two or three years - t...
more ›A Visit to the San Piero Nuclear Researc...
In May this year, the Head of the Institutes Environmental Department, Mag. Rudi Vončina, paid a visit to GRNSPG (Grupp...
more ›ISH 2009, Cape Town, South Africa
During August 24 - 28, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa, was hosting the 16th ISH. This largest symposium of specialists, w...
more ›My Transfo Meeting 2008, Turin
My Trasfo Meeting 2008, the fourth European edition, is the International point of reference for the exchangeof know-how...
more ›Students' good response to the Jobfair e...
In the days from Nov. 26 - 29 this year there was the first fair of the series "Job Fair" held at the Faculty of Electri...
more ›Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Ins...
At the ELES's business-social meeting held at the Grand Union hotel in Ljubljana on November 20th this year, the Managin...
more ›