
IEC TC 10 Electrotechnical fluids in IEC TC 14 Power transformers technical committees plenary session

10, Jun, 2022

The IEC, the Geneva-based international standards organisation for electrical engineering, organises an annual plenary session of all members of its Technical Committees (TCs). These cover the production of standards for different areas of electrical engineering. Slovenia participates as an active member (P-member) in several IEC committees. This year, after 20 years, it has again been asked to organise and host the plenary session of two committees, TC 10 for electro technical fluids and TC 14 for power transformers.
The formal host of the event is SIST, the Slovenian Institute of Standardisation, which represents Slovenia in the IEC organisation. However, the organisation of this event is under the auspices of the EIMV, whose members have been actively involved in the development of standards in the areas of TC 10 and TC 14 for several decades. These areas are particularly relevant for the Slovenian electricity system, where transformers with insulating oils require maximum reliability for continuous operation. EIMV researchers, who are responsible for the quality of transformer manufacturing, procurement, maintenance and diagnostics, are therefore very active in both committees, contributing their expertise to ever-improving standards. They also keep up-to-date with knowledge transfer and maintain contacts with internationally renowned experts.
This year's plenary meeting of IEC TC 10 and TC 14 will take place from 13 to 16 June 2022 in Bled. As usual, working group meetings will be held in parallel to the plenary sessions, as committee members are often active in IEC groups or working bodies. The organisation and IT coordination of the hybrid working sessions will be the responsibility of EIMV.

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