
Analysis »Impact of RES on system services in Slovenia’s electric power system«

04, Jul, 2023

We responded to the invitation of Prof. Dr. Marko Topič and attended the 9th Slovenian Photovoltaic Conference SLO-PV 2023, which took place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana. Our researcher Aleksandar Momirovski presented an analysis on the impact of RES on system services in the Slovenian electric power system (EES), which is the result of a collaboration between EIMV, ELES and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
»The stochasity of renewable energy production (OVE) in Europe is primarily managed by the introduction of rapid local and cross-border electricity and real-time inter-system balancing, but at the same time requires increased SCR in the form of maintenance reserves (RVF) and frequency recovery (RPF) in the system and the need for flexible or flexible support capacities (in the form of system power plants, the authors of the analysis on the impact of THE S&P/ASS on the electricity system (EES) of Slovenia«, are the highlights in the analysis.

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