
Plenary session of IEC TC 10 and IEC TC 14 boards in Bled

27, Jun, 2022

The plenary session of IEC TC 10 for electrotechnical fluids and IEC TC 14 for power transformers took place in Bled from 13 to 16 June 2022. The meeting, which was for the first time carried out in hybrid form and co-organised by EIMV, the Physical-Chemical Transformer Diagnostics Department, was attended by 141 renowned experts, 61 of them in Bled and 80 of them virtually. Nataša Bernard (TC 10) and Tim Gradnik (TC 14) attended the annual meetings as national representatives (P-members). At the same time, meetings of IEC working groups revising the existing and preparing new standards were carried out simultaneously. Tim Gradnik cooperated in the MT60076 working group for revising the »Power Transformer: Temperature rise« standard, and Biljana Čuček cooperated in the MT43 group revising the IEC 60666 »Detection and determination of specified additives in mineral insulating oils« standard. The meeting of IEC boards and working groups ended with an idyllic visit to the Bled Castle.

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