
CIM Users Group Meeting (Windsor/UK)

25, May, 2012

V Windsorju je potekala vsakoletna spomladanska konferenca združenja CIM Users Group z delovnim naslovom "CIM Implementation and Application To Support the European Smart Grid". Združenje se ukvarja s semantičnim modeliranjem elektroenergetskega sistema in promovira t.i. Splošni informacijski model (Common Information Model), pripadajoče podatkovne profile, IT storitve in arhitekturo, ki se standardizira v okviru IEC tehničnega komiteja TC57. Konference so se udeležili Andrej Souvent, Gašper Lakota in Vlado Djurica. Elektroinštitutu Milana Vidmarja je bila zaupana organizacija naslednjega srečanja, ki bo junija 2013 v Ljubljani.

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CIM Users Group Meeting (Windsor/UK)

29, May, 2012

CIM Users Group Meeting (Windsor/UK)

This spring, the annual CIM Users Group conference took place in Windsor. The conference was titled "CIM Implementation and Application to Support the European Smart Grid". The CIM Users Group association is involved in semantic modelling of the electric energy system and promotes the so called Common Information Model, data profiles, IT services and architecture that is standardised within the IEC technical committee TC57. Andrej Souvent, Gašper Lakota and Vlado Djurica attended the conference. The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute will organise the next meeting in June 2013 in Ljubljana. 

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