
Regular overhaul at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK)

03, Apr, 2018

Regular overhaul at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK) began on 1 April 2018 and will end in about one month. The overhaul includes the termination of operations of the power plant, and during this termination the maintenance operators replace fuel, do necessary checks, maintenance works and upgrades. This year's overhaul is especially important due to the scope and complexity of works. More than 4200 work orders are pending for this year's overhaul, and 1800 workers are expected in the most intensive overhaul period, which is three times the number of employees at NEK.

Along with the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, authorised organisations for radiation and nuclear safety also monitor the quality of implementation of overhaul works. EIMV as the authorised organisations monitors and evaluates works on electrical systems and components, and it coordinates the work of other authorised organisations, participating in the 2018 overhaul.

EIMV also participated in many activities of this important project, when the NEK was built in 1973. Ever since the construction of the power plant, EIMV's collaboration with NEK can be divided to collaboration during regular operations of NEK (fuel 18-month cycle) and collaboration during the regular power plant overhaul.

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