
Occasional exhibition featuring Dr Milan Vidmar at the National Rapid Chess Championship

26, Jan, 2024

On 19 and 21 January 2024, the Ljubljana Chess Club in cooperation with the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering organised the Individual and Team National Rapid Chess Championship, which took place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Ljubljana. Rapid chess disciplines are very dynamic due to the limited time for thinking, and usually attract even those observers who only know the basics of chess. Chess moves have to be quick, which encourages the development of tactical skills and requires full concentration on the game. The winners of the championship were awarded by the EIMV Director, Dr Boris Žitnik.
During the championship, visitors could also visit an exhibition about the chess grandmaster Dr Milan Vidmar, the founder of the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute, who also made a name for himself as an outstanding chess player on a global scale, as he was the only amateur chess player to compete among professional players and in 1911, he became a chess grandmaster. In his memory, young chess players played in a children's tournament on Friday.

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