

10, Jun, 2010


From 1982 onwards, the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute has been organising - every two or three years - the Vidmar’s Day. At this, now already traditional reunion of electric power engineers, the Vidmar’s Medal is being presented to individual professionals and organisations active in the numerous fields of the Electricity Supply Industry for their current outstanding achievements contributed to the notable advancement of the power engineering profession or for their efficiently accomplished work. The professional part of the 2010 Vidmar’s Days - which was proceeding under the title”Cross-roads of the Slovenian Electricity Distribution in the Light of Implementation of Environmental Targets Regarding Renewable Energy Sources” - was due to its important open issues found very interesting by over 160 attendants of the event. 

Since the first Vidmar’s Day, there have been altogether 70 medals awarded to 27 organisations and 43 individuals. Looking backwards, one can see that the initiative has been well accepted. The 2010 individual recipients of the Vidmar’s Medal are Mr. Marjan Pezdirc, Dr. Zvonko Toroš and Mr. Mitja Vidmar. The Medal granted to Elektro-Slovenija (Slovenian Electricity Distribution Utility) was taken over by Mag. Milan Jevšenak and the one granted to Savske elektrarne (Sava-river hydro-power plants) by Mr. Albin Koršič. The Medals were presented to their recipients by the Institute’s Director, Dr. Boris Žitnik, and Chairman of the Milan Vidmar Medal-awarding Committee, Prof.Dr. Maks Babuder.
Od leta 1982 do danes je bilo podeljenih skupno 70 plaket, od teh 27 organizacijam in 43 posameznikom. Pogled nazaj kaže, da je bila pobuda dobro sprejeta in tako so letos plakete prejeli: gospod Marjan Pezdirc, dr. Zvonko Toroš in gospod Mitja Vidmar, v imenu podjetja Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. je nagrado prevzel mag. Milan Jevšenak, za Savske elektrarne Ljubljana, d.o.o. pa g. Albin Koršič. Plakete sta podelila direktor, dr. Boris Žitnik in predsednik Komisije za podeljevanje Vidmarjevih plaket, prof.dr. Maks Babuder. 

In the professional part of the event, the Institute’s Director, Dr. Boris Žitnik, in his introductory paper entitled “Global Trends and Environmental Commitments” presented his views on development of Smart Grids and Renewable Energy Sources and on implementation of the set environmental goals. To follow were Dr. Franc Žlahtič (Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Slovenia) with a lecture on »Environmental Commitments and Measures Undertaken by the Republic of Slovenia”, Irena Praček (Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Energy - JARSE) »Allocation of the Network Fee under Pressure of Implementation of Adopted Environmental Commitments”, Mag. Zvonko Bregar (Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute) »Renewable Energy Sources«, Mag. Dejan Matvoz (Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute) » SmartGrids Concept – Do we know what they are?«, Andrej Souvent (Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute) »Consumer Services in the SmartGrids Concept« and Gregor Omahen (Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute) »Economic Aspects of Implementation of Environmental Commitments«.

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