
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute signed a contract on DTR software marketing

28, Jan, 2021

On 22 January 2021, Dr. Boris Žitnik, the director of the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute, and Mag. Andrej Souvent, the director of Operato, energetske rešitve d. o. o., signed an agreement on the exclusive right for DTR software marketing for the dtr-power-line module that enables the Operato company to market the system for establishing the limits of the SUMO electric power transmission system operation.

At the same time, the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute delivered the model for dynamic thermal rating (DTR) of transmission capacity of overhead lines to Operato company. The DTR software that has been developed in joint collaboration of the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute and the Jožef Štefan Institute, is part of the SUMO system solution.

The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute has collaborated in the development of the SUMO system since its idea design and thus possesses the required infrastructure and know-how. The EIMV is interested in future collaboration in the development and functional upgrade of solutions in dynamic thermal modelling for the evaluation of transmission capacity.

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