
Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE) 2019

19, Sep, 2019

V začetku septembra je v Portorožu potekala že 28. mednarodna konferenca Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE), na kateri so sodelujoči predstavili 131 referatov v desetih sklopih. Na konferenci smo sodelovali s prispevkom »Transposition of BSS Directive in practice: Slovenian results for stakeholder engagement in medicine, emergency management and indoor radon«, ki je bil izdelan v okviru mednarodnega raziskovalnega projekta ENGAGE. V prispevku smo podali rezultate raziskave vključevanja deležnikov v Sloveniji, kot ga predvideva nova direktiva o varstvu pred sevanji. Obravnavali smo področje pripravljenosti za primer izrednih dogodkov v NEK, povezane aktivnosti na Onkološkem inštitutu ter izvajanje nacionalnega radonskega programa. Avtorica prispevka, dr. Nadja Železnik je bila vključena tudi v programski odbor konference.

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Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE), 2019

20, Sep, 2019

The 28th international conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE) held place in the beginning of September in Portorož. 131 papers in ten sets were presented. The EIMV collaborated at the conference with the paper "Transposition of BSS Directive in practice: Slovenian results for stakeholder engagement in medicine, emergency management and indoor radon«, made within the ENGAGE international research project. The paper presented the results of stakeholder inclusion research in Slovenia, as is envisaged by the new directive on protection against radiation. We have discussed the stand-by mode in cases of emergency events at NEW, similar activities at the Institute of Oncology and the implementation of the national radon programme. Paper author, Dr. Nadja Železnik, also participated in the conference programme committee.

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