
EIMV became part of the industrial plan under the Green Deal

03, Aug, 2024

Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute is a post member of the European Industrial Alliance for Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (European Industrial Alliance on SMRs), with which the European Commission wants to stimulate industrial competitiveness in this sector. The European Commission established the Alliance for Small Modular Nuclear Reactors on February 6, 2024, and it brings together 277 organizations from most EU member states that will contribute to the realization of the alliance's technological development, industrial, communication and other goals.
The alliance's eight technical working groups will focus on horizontal topics that will support the effective implementation of selected SMR projects. They will cover the areas of SMR industrial applications, research and innovation, supply chain development, skills development, stakeholder engagement, safety and safeguards, fuel cycle and waste management, and financing. EIMV participates in the Technical Working Group on Nuclear Safety and Control, Fuel Cycle and Waste Management and Public Involvement.
We can expect the first results of the efforts of the members of the alliance by the end of the year, when the technological roadmap will be drawn up, or by the end of March 2025, when the alliance will prepare a strategic action plan. As part of the preparation of the strategic plan, the alliance will also design activities for effective cooperation with key stakeholders, such as industry, cities and local communities and other potential consumers of electricity and/or heat; wider energy sector, for example transmission and distribution network operators, energy companies, market operators; nuclear safety regulatory authorities; scientific research and educational institutions and training centers; non-governmental organizations and civil society.
SMRs are nuclear power reactors of up to 300 MWe, the characteristic of which is that all parts can be made in factories and transported on site using the road or rail network. By strengthening cooperation at the EU level, the alliance will speed up the introduction of the first SMRs in the EU by the beginning of 2030, while respecting the highest standards of nuclear safety and environmental sustainability.

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