
The renewal of the ALFA Section work, within Nuclear Experts Association (DJS)

11, Apr, 2023

In April 2023, the EIMV hosted the meeting of the ALFA Section. The ALFA Section was founded in 2003 as the committee within the Nuclear Experts Association (DJS) of Slovenia. It brings together experts from Slovenia who work professionally in the field of nuclear or radiation activities. The meeting was attended by several old and new members of the Section with the aim to renew activities and to prepare a programme of work for 2023, which will be discussed at the DJS general meeting in May 2023.

ALFA Section has the main goals:

  • To highlight and support the role of women in radiation and nuclear technology, both at home and globally;
  • To contribute to public information on nuclear technology and radiation activities, with a view to providing comprehensive information on priority and outstanding issues in the field, thus contributing to an open public debate;
  • To build public confidence in ionising radiation activities and related scientific activities through open dialogue and reasoned debate;
  • To provide organisational support to both organisations and individuals to encourage greater and more effective representation of women in the field;
  • To provide support to women working in radiation and nuclear technology, e.g. through information, networking and mentoring programmes;
  •  To cooperate with similar associations, at different professional (institutes, universities) and regional levels (local, European and international), in order to exchange experiences and network activities.
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years active in research and development




accredited laboratories


expert departments


library literature units


implemented expert studies


active collaborations in domestic and foreign organisations
