
Visit of business partners from Serbia

29, May, 2023

From 16 to 17 May, the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute hosted business partners from the Serbian National Transmission System Operator (EMS) and the Nikola Tesla Institute.
The guests were welcomed by the Director, Dr Boris Žitnik, and presented the scope of work and R&D projects of EIMV. The guests were very interested to see our High Voltage Laboratory, which is the leading testing laboratory in the field of high-voltage engineering in Slovenia. Today, it has high DC, AC and surge voltage sources, surge current sources and modern high-voltage measurement and diagnostic equipment. The capacity of the sources allows standard dielectric tests to be carried out at all high voltage levels.
In the continuation of the business visit, in cooperation with ELES d.o.o., we visited the switching station at RTP Divača and presented new compensation technologies that enable the integration of a higher share of RES in the transmission and distribution network and a more efficient use of the existing infrastructure.

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