
23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering

31, May, 2015

V maju je na Japonskem v Tokiju, Makuhari Messe, Chiba potekala konferenca »23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering« (ICONE23), ki predstavlja eno izmed najpomembnejših srečanj iz področja nuklearnega inženiringa.

Konference se je udeležil tudi naš sodelavec Simon Podkoritnik, ki je predstavljal članek z naslovom “Diagnostics and Life-Cycle Assessment of Medium-Voltage Cables in Nuclear Power Plants During Regular Overhaul Process” ustvarjen s soavtorjema S. Manojlović in M. Janša.

Članek predstavlja trenutno najboljši pristop, ki ga na področju diagnostike kablov zagovorja, uvaja in izvaja Laboratorij za visoke napetosti na oddelku OVNEL Elektroinštituta Milan Vidmar, kar so z velikim zanimanjem prepoznali tudi udeleženci na konferenci.

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23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering

13, Sep, 2015

23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering

The 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE23) took place in May in Japan, Tokyo, at the Makuhari Messe, Chiba. The conference is one of the most important meetings in the field of nuclear engineering.

Our associate Simon Podkoritnik also attended the conference, where he presented a paper entitled Diagnostics and Life-Cycle Assessment of Medium-Voltage Cables in Nuclear Power Plants During Regular Overhaul Process, which he prepared with co-authors S. Manojlović and M. Janša.

The paper presents the best approach at the moment, which is represented, introduced and implemented in the field of cable diagnostics by the High Voltage Laboratory of the High Voltage Department of the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute. The participants at the conference showed quite a lot of interest for this topic.

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