En.grids 2015
25, Februar, 201510. februarja je v hotelu Plaza (Ljubljana) potekala 6. konferenca o pametnih omrežjih. Konference sta se udeležila tudi naša sodelavca: g. Gregor Omahen kot moderator uvodnega omizja »Pametna omrežja zahtevajo pameten pristop!«, g. Andrej Souvent pa je predstavil prispevek »Napredna vizualizacija elektroenergetskega omrežja«. Več o konferenci
Vse objaveEn.grids 2015
02, September, 2015En.grids 2015
The 6th Smart Grids Conference was held on 10 February at the Plaza Hotel in Ljubljana. It was also attended by two of our associates: Mr Gregor Omahen coordinated the introductory round table entitled "Smart Grids Demand a Smart Approach!" and Mr Souvent who presented his paper "Advanced Visualisation of Electric Power Network". See more at