14, September, 2015Tudi letos bomo štiri uveljavljene elektro institucije, Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar, ELES, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko in GEN energija, poskrbele za energetsko opismenjevanje dijakov. Na Elektrofestu bo vsaka organizacija pripravila različne strokovne sklope, v okviru katerih se bodo dijaki pobliže seznanili z elektromagnetnim sevanjem, ki je rdeča nit letošnjega Elektrofesta.
EIMV bo v visokonapetostnem laboratoriju demonstriral meritev električnega in magnetnega polja omrežne frekvence pri različnih vrednostih napetosti in toka. Družba ELES bo dijakom premierno prikazala animirani film o delovanju EES, strokovnjaki pa bodo pripravili predavanje na temo elektromagnetnega sevanja in daljnovodov. S strokovnjaki Gen energije pa se bodo dijaki z različnimi poskusi »sprehodili« po elektromagnetnem spektru. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani pa pripravlja za dijake radijsko igro Lov na lisico. Po zaključku znanstvenega dela dijake čaka še zabavni del pred našo stavbo. Na dogodku ponovno pričakujemo skoraj 500 dijakov in mentorjev.
Vabljeni, v petek 18.9.2015, na Elektrofest!
Vse objaveELEKTROFEST 2015
15, September, 2015ELEKTROFEST 2015
Once again, this year four distinguished institutions in electricity transmission, i.e. the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute, ELES, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and GEN energija will provide for increasing the energy literacy of secondary school students. At Elektrofest, each organisation will prepare different professional sets of content where students will be informed on electromagnetic radiation which is the core topic of this year’s event.
The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute will demonstrate the measurements of electrical and magnetic fields of network frequency at various voltages and currents. ELES company will show the animated film on the operations of EES, experts will prepare a lecture in electromagnetic radiation and overhead power lines. Students will perform various experiments and “walk” along the electromagnetic spectrum with the expert from Gen energija. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana is preparing students for a radio show entitled “Fox Hunt”. After the scientific work, students will be entertained in front of our building. We expect that almost 500 students and mentors will attend the event.